Inpage Urdu 2013 Free Download Full Version

InPage Urdu 2013 is now available for free download as full version. InPage Urdu professional 2013 was recently released from its developer. Urdu InPage 2013 provides you unlimited features than the previous versions of Urdu InPage 2013. Urdu InPage 2013 has integrated support for Windows Xp, Windows Vista and Windows 7. It also supports 32 and 64 bit operating systems if purchased through retailer shop. InPage Urdu 2013 was especially developed for publishing business purposes such as Urdu books and newspapers. It has some special features that are never available in any other version of Urdu InPage 2013 professional.

Urdu InPage 2013 professional has integrated support for all of local languages such as Urdu, Arabic, Saraiki, Kashmiri, Persian, English, Pashto and Sindhi. All these languages are working beautifully with Urdu InPage 2013 professional. You can also insert symbols in your favorite documents where you want to do it. You can easily create documents with specific page sizes like Legal, A3, A4 and many more.

Urdu InPage has integrated support for all popular graphic designing software such as CorelDRAW, Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator. There are many fonts available as external fonts. You can download your favorite fonts from server and copy them all to installation directory. So Urdu InPage 2013 can automatically updates its fonts directory and pick all the new fonts to start writing with them.

Inpage Urdu 2013 Full Version Free Download

You can easily write from both left and right sides. All the integrated languages such as (Arabic, Farsi, Burohi, Pushto, Punjabi, Sindhi, Saraiki, Kashmiri, Hazargi, Balochi and English) are supporting both sides where you want to start. All extra features like drawing, designing, coloring, fonts, editing, insert page, insert table, bold, export, copy, cut, paste, print and many more professional features. There are multiple keyboard layouts available to write in your favorite style such as Phonetic. Bundle of tools are waiting for you to install and use it to make a professional document.

Application Details

Size: 5.55 MB
Version: 2013
License: Freeware
Developer: Inpage

Inpage Urdu 2013 Free Download Full Version