Media Player Classic Home Cinema Free Download (32-bit)

Media player classic home cinema (MPC-HC) released its new version that is available for free download full version for Windows XP(32-bit), Windows 7(32-bit) and Windows 8(32-bit) and Windows Vista(32-bit) editions. Media player classic home cinema is completely free audio and video multimedia player used to play all types of multimedia file formats into your personal computer. Media player classic home cinema is a light weight multimedia player used to enhance into multimedia files and provide more acceleration during play of audio and video files.

Media player classic home cinema has built in integrated k-lite codec pack that can help for playing high definition video and movies. Media player classic home cinema has integrated support for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. It provides you the best available video quality than any other media player such as VLC media Player, 321 Classic media player, Power DVD, Windows Media Player and many other powerful multimedia players.

Media Player Classic Home Cinema (32-bit) Free Download

Media player classic home cinema is most powerful open source multimedia player available for windows platform. Media player classic home cinema supports all common audio and video file formats with easy playback. Media player classic home cinema is 100% spyware and ad-ware free. Media player classic home cinema has no load and hang problem with your windows.

It can play all types of multimedia audio and video formats such as (MP4, MOV, MP3, AVI, WMA, WMV, 3FP, FLV, MPG, MPEG, RM, RA, DAT, VOB) and many more. It can also provide you auto-play feature for playing CD/DVD and Blu-Ray disc's. Media player classic home cinema is fully customizable multimedia player that provides you the best way for playing multimedia files in Windows.

Application Details

Size: 7.12 MB
License: Freeware
Developer: mpc-hc

Media Player Classic Home Cinema Free Download (32-bit)