Download one of the most amazing apps for Alarm Clock in your Android Phone. This time, Microsoft comes with an awesome app named Mimicker Alarm Clock.
This is free morning alarm clock for your android phone that helps you wake and step up in the morning by playing a simple game, called a “Mimic”.
To dismiss that alarm clock you need to finish a game. If you not complete this game in given time, this alarm clock again ringing in your android phone.
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Mimicker Alarm App from Microsoft Awesome Way to Wake UP in the Morning
- Download Mimicker Alarm from Google Play Store.
- Open the App in your Android Phone.
- Set your Alarm Clock.
- Mimicker alarm app gives you three options for stopping alarm clock in your phone.
- From Facial Expressions
- Take a Picture of the object that matches whatever color the app decides on for the day
- Repeating Tongue Twister
This is one of the most amazing apps for setting up alarm clock in android phone. If you don’t a complete game in 30 seconds, the app can assume that you’ve fallen asleep once more and also the alarm can begin ringing once more.
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